Thursday, October 4, 2012

Welcome to the São Paulo Symposium

It is with great excitement that we launch the blog for the São Paulo Symposium, the official site for an interdisciplinary conference on the city of São Paulo, to be hosted at the University of Chicago May 10 and 11, 2013.  The idea for the symposium emerged out of conversations between three graduate students at the U of C  who were all doing fieldwork in and on the city of São Paulo.  Coming from different disciplines, each of our work benefited from learning about what the others were doing.  This conference is an expansion of those conversations, where we hope to widen the circle of São Paulo scholars and ask: what does the study of this city contribute and challenge to contemporary social, political, and theoretical currents?  Stay tuned as we send out the call for papers and let you know more about the conference, some of the presenters, and the organizers.
